Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Husker DBs Finally Take One To The House

Had the chance to watch the pay per view TV coverage of the Huskers vs Loo-zee-ann-uh Lafayette last Saturday evening. Before the game started, I said, "Boy, would I like to see a turnover taken in for a touchdown--on our side of course."

Darned if that didn't happen with Larry Asante's INT return for six. Which, of course, was taken down a peg by his collapsing hurt in the end zone after the finish. Health and injury issues are never far away.

But back to the thought--the paper noted on Sunday that Asante's pick 6 was the first time for a Husker D-back to take one back all the way since Fabian Washington got-R-done (tribute to Larry the Cable Guy since he was at the game last week) back in 2002.
2002!!! 2002!!! Freaking seven years ago!!!

Which, of course, is yet one more indictment of the Pederson-Callahan Administration. Here we are in the most pass-happy conference on God's green earth---and yet, for the Huskers, a pass interception and return for a touchdown by a defensive back is an event that ranks with a kick or punt return in its rarity. Wow.

That speaks either to a lack of talent to make it happen--or a lack of coaching to be ready for it--or both.

I know that there have been some unlucky moments. Cortney Grixby had a great opportunity against USC (aka Song Girl U) in 2006 when he jumped an out route and had nothing but green for about 25 yards to the end zone--but couldn't hang on.

But, more often than not, the mindset and coaching and preparation just hasn't been there to recognize the play, make the move, and secure the ball--then, of course, make the return.

It's nice to see that technique and execution back. And hopefully it's not the last time this season--for our side of course.

Go Big Red!!!

The Old Husker Fan

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